Earth Element | Yin Sequence

Welcome yourself to the generous and loving arms of the Mother Earth! Mother Earth supports, nourishes, and teaches us non-discrimination. Her heart is big enough to receive both sides of the polarity. She holds the life for all of us in an unconditional way. That’s why connecting with the earth is a comforting, loving, rooting, enriching, and spacious experience

Props for today’s practice:

  • 2 Blocks

  • Bolster

  • Blanket

  • Small cushion

Lying Face Down (5 min)

Start by lying face down on your mat. Allow yourself some time to settle down. Slowly start to feel the contact of the front body with the earth. Tops of the feet, front side of the legs, belly, chest, and forehead.

Gently remind yourself:

It is ok for my belly to rest.

It is ok for my heart to rest.

It is ok for my forehead to rest.

Then, allow this experience to continue further towards a deeper level.

It is ok for my efforts to rest.

It is ok for my emotions to rest.

It is ok for my thoughts to rest.

Earth is here to catch you. Earth is here to hold you. You can take this time to rest deeply in the arms of Mother Earth.

Half Frog – 2 minutes each side

Pull your right knee to the hip level, right toes facing the right side. You may place a blanket under the right knee if you need some support. Stay with the gentle stretch in the right groins.

Slowly, lengthen the right leg back, and continue with the left side. After the left side, lengthen the left leg back and come onto all fours.

Cat – Cow – a couple of rounds

Come onto Table Pose for a couple of rounds of Cat-Cow.

Yin Camel Pose

When you are ready, sit on your heels. Place the fingertips on the floor in the back. If your fingertips do not reach the floor or this is uncomfortable, you may also place your hands on two blocks.

Inhale, press the fingertips on the floor or blocks, lift the hips up. Do not drop the head back, keep your gaze forward.

Exhale, sit on your heels.

Continue lifting the hips a couple of rounds to feel a nice stretch in the front side of the thighs and upper body. In the last round, you may stay hips lifted for 3 to 5 breaths if that feels comfortable.

Ankle rotation, toe bending

Rotate your ankles in one way, and then the other for couple of rounds.

Then, start to point, and flex the toes. In the last round, point the toes, stay here for 5 breaths, then relax.

Half Saddle with a bolster – 3 minutes each side

Place your bolster on the mat, then roll a blanket to make it into a small cushion for your head. Sit in front of the bolster. Bring your body weight to your right side and bring the top of the left foot on the floor by the left hip. Slowly lie down on your bolster to enjoy nice stretch in the left thigh and the front body.

Slowly come up, bring the left leg forward, then change sides.

After the next side, place the bolster on the side. Come to lie down.

Cradle pose – 1 minute

When you feel ready, hug the knees into your chest.

Bridge Pose – 4 minutes

Slowly place the feet on the floor, knees stay bent. Lift the hips up to place a cushion underneath the hips. You can extend the arms backwards and legs forward to enjoy a nice stretch in the front body. Or you may keep the knees bent, feet on the floor, and arms on the sides to continue with a gentle stretch.

To come out of the pose, bend the knees, bring the feet on the floor. Gently lift the hips up to remove the cushion, slowly bring the hips onto the floor. Stay here for 1 minute, then rest in the position you prefer.

Half Cat Tail (2 minutes each side) + Twist (3 minutes each side)

Place one pillow under your head and bolster on the right side of the mat while lying on your back. Then, come to lie down on your right side, place your left shin on the bolster, keeping the left knee at hip level. Start to walk your right leg back. Then, bend the right knee to hold the right ankle with the left hand. You can support your head with your right hand, or your head may be resting on the pillow. To come out of the pose release the right foot, open the left arm to the left side to come into a one-legged twist.

Release the pose and rest lying on your back.

When you feel ready, continue with the other side.

Savasana – 5 minutes

When you feel ready, extend the legs forward on your mat for final pose, Savasana.


Canay Öneren

Yoga came into Canay’s life in 2016 with “10 Mindful Movements” taught by Thich Nhat Hanh. After learning that the postures in this practice are rooted in yoga asanas, she started yoga practice.

This journey, which continued with her at home practices in the following years, brought her to teacher training program in 2019. In 2020, she completed the 200 Hour Basic Specialization Program with Pinar Enginsu (RYT200). With the intention of specializing in Yin Yoga, she finished the 20-hour Online "Yin Yoga: Functional Approach" program with Paul Grilley in November 2020, 50-hour Online Yin Yoga Specialization program with Ram Jain in January 2021, 30-hour Module 2: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Meridian Series Yin Yoga Specialization Program with Sebastian Pucelle & Murielle Burellier in February 2021. In September 2022, she has finished 50 hours Online Meditation Teacher Training Program with Ram Jain. Canay loves to follow training programs to nourish the ways of teaching yoga and meditation. She is teaching Yin Yoga since February 2021 and works part time for Trueyogi which is a yoga application development project for smart phones. Canay bows respectfully before the light of all her teachers and intends to share yoga and meditation practice with love, ease, and joy.

YIN | Journey to Shoelace


Endometriosis and Yoga